Hello and welcome (The Game)
Hello and welcome (The Game)
Who are you?
That is the central question of this experience. Find out who you are - or rather who or what you see yourself as.
This experimental game aims to explore the themes of identity and authorship within the digital game space. You will be asked a series of questions - your answers to which determine the outcome of the game.
play it here!
The HTML file of the game is easily playable in your browser on PC and Mac!
Play the game for yourself in your browser via Itch.io!
The Design process
Many games have experimented with the relationship between the avatar and the player. Since this is a topic I am very interested in, I wanted to explore it as well.
Before i delved into the design process, i took note of what i perceived to be the major questions and themes.
most of the prototyping was done on paper. The philosophical undercurrents, the abstraction of the avatar, as well as the layout of the branching narratives were all neatly written down as can be seen below.
I then began creating rooms to the respective narrative beats in bitsy and strung them together in order. the multitude of narrative branches pushed the unmodded version of the engine to its limits a bit.
but bitsy persevered and so did i.
I ended up documenting my entire design process in detail in a stylised game design document / reflection.
building a philosophical foundation to build a game on
creating a complex narrative with branching paths
level design
becoming familiar with a simplified version of the game design pipeline
bitsy game maker engine
adobe indesign
a good old-fashioned sketchbook